Adam Dow Real Estate
Judy Gaskell

Judy has been a licensed realtor for 5 years in NH and 2 years in Maine. She is located in the Seacoast area working out of the Portsmouth NH office. Judy has lived in the seacoast most of her life attending Portsmouth schools and graduating from the University of New Hampshire with a degree in Business Administration. She is a daughter and sister of military veterans and understands the military lifestyle. After spending many years as a caregiver and having to sell her parents home, it [...]

Judy has been a licensed realtor for 5 years in NH and 2 years in Maine. She is located in the Seacoast area working out of the Portsmouth NH office. Judy has lived in the seacoast most of her life attending Portsmouth schools and graduating from the University of New Hampshire with a degree in Business Administration. She is a daughter and sister of military veterans and understands the military lifestyle. After spending many years as a caregiver and having to sell her parents home, it sparked an interest in real estate. Judy currently lives on the Seacoast with her husband, where they raised their two kids. She splits her time between home and the lakes area in Maine, taking her two dogs along for the “ride”.

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