Merrymeeting Lake
Merrymeeting Lake, New Hampshire (NH), United States
Facts & Statistics
Place Name - Merrymeeting Lake
Pronunciation - ME-ree-mee-ting
Place Status (Type) - lake
Location - Strafford County, New Hampshire (NH), United States, North America
Latitude - 43°28'N
Longitude -71°10'W
Merrymeeting Lake (ME-ree-mee-ting), Strafford co., E central N.H., in New Durham, 27 mi/43 km NE of Concord; 3 mi/4.8 km long. Drains through Merrymeeting R. (c.10 mi/16 km long), which turns NW at New Durham Village, flows past Alton to S end of L. Winnipesaukee to W. Powder Mill Fish Hatchery located below lake's outlet.
Coldwater Species
- Brook Trout
- Rainbow Trout
- Brown Trout
- Landlocked Salmon
- Lake Trout
- Whitefish
Warmwater Species
- Smallmouth Bass
- Largemouth Bass
- Pickerel
- Horned Pout
- White Perch
- Northern Pike
- Walleye
- Black Crappie
- Bluegill
- Yellow Perch
Still have questions about Merrymeeting Lake? Contact Adam Dow.
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