Lake Winnipesaukee Real Estate
Lake Winnipesaukee Facts
- Pronunciation: WI-ni-puh-SAW-kee
- Means "beautiful water in high place". A second interpetation from Indian folklore is "The smile of the great spirit"
- 55,685 acres of water, 283 miles of shoreline, 78 sq miles, 202 sq km
- 625 billion gallons of water
- 270 islands, largest is 750 acres
- Elevation: 504 feet above sea level
- Deepest point: 187 feet
- Average depth: 43 feet
- 6 mapped shipwrecks
- Clarity in Wolfeboro Bay is 25 feet (Sechi disc transparency)
- Freezes over between late December and early January
Winnipesaukee Ice Out Dates
Official ice out is declared when the M/S Mount Washington can reach all 4 of its ports without touching ice. This usually occurs during April. The earliest recorded ice out was March 28th, 1921 and the latest was May 12th, 1888.
Coldwater Species
- Brook Trout
- Rainbow Trout
- Brown Trout
- Landlocked Salmon
- Lake Trout
- Whitefish
Warmwater Species
- Smallmouth Bass
- Largemouth Bass
- Pickerel
- Horned Pout
- White Perch
- Northern Pike
- Walleye
- Black Crappie
- Bluegill
- Yellow Perch
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