Dear Prospective NHSA Members,
SB-352 Changes to the CSPA:
The NH House RR&D committee will meet in executive session tomorrow, Tuesday 4/22/08 at 1:00 to discuss the proposed changes to SB-352 and the potential for changing the effective date of the CSPA. This meeting is open to the public, but it is not a hearing so no public input is expected. Click here to review the latest copy of the amendment.
There appears to be little support in the House to modify the effective date until Oct. 1st, and there doesn't seem to be overwhelming support for July 1st. NH DES has not taken a formal position and there is much confusion and discussion regarding the date issue.
There have been a lot of compromises to date and the NHSA has taken a middle-of-the-road position under our "balanced resource management" philosophy. As this may be the last opportunity for you to comment and provide your thoughts on these issues, please consider sending an e-mail to voice your individual concerns and opinions on these matters. As always, please specify that you are a shorefront property owner.
Click here to link to House RR&D Committee Members and mailing addresses.
We are always looking for new members. Please, discuss these issues with your neighbors and let's work towards getting all shorefront owners involved. JOIN TODAY!
Thank You,
Board of Directors
NH Shorefront Association
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