Dear NHSA Members,
Things are happening quickly at the NH Legislature and there are a number of shorefront related bills this week.
Of primary importance is Senator Bradley's bill, SB154, which makes a number of reforms to the Shoreland Protection Act. While this legislation may require a few more edits, the Board has worked closely with Sen. Bradley to create a number of both minor and significant changes to the CSPA.
This bill clarifies and simplifies the standards and permitting requirements. You can read the full text here. The hearing for this bill is scheduled for Thursday 2/17/11 at 9:45am in the Legislative Office Building (LOB) room 102 before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. Everyone is welcome at the hearing.
If you have any comments, but cannot attend the hearing, you can link to the Senate Energy & Natural Resources Committee here. Senator Bob Odell is chairman.
While we believe that SB154 is the best compromise legislation to provide clarity and streamline the shoreland process, there are a couple other bills relating to the CSPA on Thursday:
SB124 - relative to the comprehensive shoreland protection act. Click here for bill language. Hearing 2/17/11 9:30am LOB room 102 - Senate E&NR Committee.
HB-470 - repealing the comprehensive shoreland protection act. Click here for bill language. Hearing 2/17/11 10:00am LOB room 305 - House RR&D Committee.
Thank you to the many Shorefront Association Members who have renewed their memberships and asked a friend to join. Please remember we are asking everyone to solicit a friend or neighbor to join our growing membership. Our on-going lobbying and monitoring efforts depend on members like you. Please get your friends and neighbors involved!
Click here to print a membership form.
Thank You,
Board of Directors
NH Shorefront Association
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