Do you kids need a smile? Do you need a smile:) There are some superheroes coming to towns around the lakes region to brighten our day. Saturday, June 6th be on the look out.
Ossipee woman Kim Bedard (aka Catwoman) and her fiance, Joseph Adjutant (aka Batman) have organized a motorcycle ride called Rolling Smiles through parts of Carroll County with their superhero friends from the Dover and Rochester area. They will be heading though Ossipee, Wakefield and Wolfeboro on Saturday. (COURTESY PHOTO)
Here is the schedule:
Their route will start at the Wakefield Police Department, departing at around noon.
They will head to Meadow Street to the Forest Hills neighborhood. At about 12:30 p.m., they will head back through downtown and turn left at Poor People's Pub at 1 Witchtrot Road in Sanbornville, then head to East Wakefield on Route 153.
Shortly before 1 p.m., they expect to be by Seven Lakes Provisions (1260 Province Lake Road, East Wakefield).
After 1 p.m. they expect to be near the restaurant Cindy's Place at 3380 Province Lake Road before heading to Route 16 and Center Ossipee.
7 Acres Close to Town in Wolfeboro, Check it out here
Between 1:30-1:45 p.m. they will be in Center Ossipee, headed first to Indian Mound Shopping Center at 280 Route 16B.
Then, between 1:45-155 p.m., they will be traveling Folsom Road to Center Ossipee Village, going by Ossipee Central School (68 Main St.).
Between 1:55-2:10 p.m., the group will be getting back on Route 16 and heading to the Ossipee Hannaford's and Irving gas station at 891 Route 16, "to stop for gas take a little break."
From 2:15-2:35 p.m., they will be back on their way, headed on Route 28 to Route 171 to loop around Mountain View Community Nursing Home.
From 2:20-2:45 p.m., they will be on Route 28 heading to Wolfeboro.
From 2:55-3:10 p.m., they will be headed on Trotting Track Road where they will do loop through The Nick recreation center in Wolfeboro before going back out on Trotting Track Road to Beach Pond Road.
From 3:10-315 p.m., they will be on Route 109 to Bay Street.
From 3:15-3:25 p.m., they will be headed down Main Street in Wolfeboro to end their route at Kingswood Art Center on McManus Road.
All times are approximate.
Full story in the Conway Daily Sun
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