Our very own Kevin Calhoun, Dow Realty Group's Seacoast Area Expert, was featured on Wicked Healthy Radio, WSMN AM 1590 am FM 95.3, on Monday, June 6th. Kevin was a guest of Eric S. Bernazzani, Esq. from Bernazzani Law Firm, PLLC in Nashua, NH to talk about 2022 Real Estate trends.
Kevin spoke on the following topics:
- Baby boomers/retirement/
millennials - Home Prices
- Interest rates
- NH Market/Affordable housing
- Current economy
- Moving out of big cities
- Internet searching/buyng sight unseen
- Three major recommendations when considering a property.
Watch the entire interview here: https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?ref=watch_permalink&v=723290438950393
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